• Region:
  • BC

West Kelowna

Sussex Insurance – West Kelowna is located inside Superstore at 3020 Louis Dr. Our office is located at the kiosk to the left of the main doors. We offer auto, home, travel, business, marine and recreational insurance.

*Please note, we are unable to process walk-ins for Out of Province Registration Transactions on weekends. Email us at westkelowna@sussexinsurance.com to book your appointment. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Inside Superstore logo
West Kelowna
3020 Louie Dr
(Inside Superstore)
West Kelowna BC V4T 3E1
Phone: 250-707-2910
Fax: 250-707-2920
Email: westkelowna@sussexinsurance.com

Opening Hours

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